
Janie 6 years oldWhen I was a little girl I had difficulty reading. We moved in the middle of my first grade. It wouldn’t have been so hard for me, except the school I left taught reading through vocabulary, and the new school taught through phonics. I knew nothing about phonics and I had only learned a few words of vocabulary – so I was lost.

Back then, they didn’t have special classes to help a student get caught up. Going to school was a painful and stressful experience. Every morning I had a stomach ache until I got through reading class. I was embarrassed when I had to read out loud, and so sad because I wanted to understand the words and the stories.

As time went on, I slowly began to get better at reading and comprehension. In high school, my favorite class was English and in college, I studied Marketing and Merchandising. Later, in my thirties, I took a two-year focused course in Children’s Literature. That was the coursework that showed me what I needed to do in my life. I wanted to be a writer.

jane speaking
As a writer today, I understand the enormous importance of motivation and stimulus that helps us actually sit all day long and write, connecting to the storyline we are so passionate to tell. Some days it isn’t easy. And that is why we have created these programs to, hopefully, inspire and collaborate with supportive hearts.

The first program is about encouraging writers to reach for their dreams no matter what tries to stand in their way. Our “Speaking Events” program is a presentation for various groups to hear about the magical, life-changing journey to bring Sacajawea, The Windcatcher to the world. (We are scheduling for later this year due to Covid-19.) 

The second is a “Film Production Services” program designed to help writer-producers create a dynamic Development package for their film project, and to review and give feedback on manuscripts or screenplays. Just a note: when writing about Sacajawea, I had a wonderful script analyst who reviewed the screenplay three separate times. Later, I worked with a director/writer involved in the Sacajawea project and she helped me take my SPEC script and format it into a production screenplay. I advise writers to work with a script analyst who can help them polish their writing. Creating a story from beginning to end is not an easy task, and all that work is worth making it the best it can be – then creating a film that will inspire people.

Please check out our programs. And, if you are interested in either one or both, just CONTACT US.

Believe in your dream!
