Crabtree Book Series

New Children's Series on AmazonCrabtree Book Series - Life is a journey of Awakening...An illumination.A revelation of our own power and source.We have the choice to be brave, to walk beyond,NO MATTER WHAT!For we are unstoppable.Physical death cannot hold back the energy of the soul.Claim your light.Claim your power.~Spirit Wind The Crabtree series travels the [...]

Book Review: V0l. I “Awakening” – Embrace the World with Love Words and the World will be Changed…

Here are excerpts from the book review by Books That Make You... for the award-winning, inspirational book, Awakening."Awakening is a collection of poetry that nourishes the soul, uplifts the spirit, and ignites the heavenly spark within us. Jane L. Fitzpatrick’s luminous verses transport us to the realm of the sacred, where we can connect with our [...]

Sacajawea, The Windcatcher Wins Best Feature Script

I believe in this story of Sacajawea and its importance to our greater understanding. It couldn't be timelier than right now as its message will help heal our country and embrace indigenous people, therefore all people around the world. This story brings into focus the value of women and the issues they face. Sacajawea was [...]

Sacajawea, The Windcatcher Wins Best Historical Script

This morning I woke up and had a cup of coffee while watching the coronation of a new King. I picked up my phone and opened gmail... and then, I just couldn't breathe for a second. It was from the Oniros Film Awards! After 20 years, with 12 rewrites, controversies and hurdles to overcome... I [...]

Prayers for an Awakening

This award-winning book, “Awakening” is the first in the series: Embrace the World with Love Words, and the World will be Changed! I believe in the power of prayer. I believe we have everything we need to live life to the fullest. I believe we are reverently and wonderfully made. I believe we are on [...]

Crabtree: Lost Kids of Borealonon

Pre-teen Novel Coming in 2024! Crabtree: Lost Kids of Borealonon is a fantasy, mystery, adventure about a brother and sister who are called to walk into the darkness TO BE the light. It is about making the right choices in life, it is about writing your own Chapters, it is about loving unconditionally to help [...]

Are you being Called to greatness?

Life is an unknown and magnificent mystery. And "everyday" experiences can get our eyes off the truth about our personal journey. Yet, it is the "every day" that is showing us the way. How do we know, how can we see? When I finally realized, in my own heart, that life is for searching and [...]

Reverently and Wonderfully made…

In this world, some people, unfortunately, are taught they are wretched. If we believe that, then we can harbor shame and indifference because we now think we are not worthy. Dad with great-granddaughter, Faith. My father was a wonderful, truly Christian man. He was also a professor devoted to all students and people. He believed [...]

The Heart Song

When I was just a girl, five or six years old, I dreamed of being in love. I saw my parents caring for each other and that made me so happy. The fact that I had never even had a boyfriend did not matter, my heart knew what it meant. As I grew up, I [...]

No matter what, no one can take the memories: Aftermath of 9/11

I owned a travel agency. It was a dream come true and my husband, Matthew, and I, loved traveling with loyal customers and friends to the outer-most parts of the earth. The horrible events of 9/11 took that dream away from me and changed my life forever. Here is an excerpt from a journal I [...]